Thursday, August 12, 2004

my dad, the master of emotion...

my dad.... sigh... heh, no, really, my father is probably the one man that i will always look up to...

today, he came into the restauraunt with my family, and as they were getting ready to leave, i had time to talk to them.... i told them i had a date tomorrow night, and my dad was like really? and my sister asked if it was wierd that i still work with courtney, who is my ex...

after i said no, my father said, "See, us guys, we look at relationships, and after they're done we say eh, shit happens, and move on..."

wow... that made my night...

but as i thought about it after they left and left me a 20$ tip... umm i realized that, hey, shit does happen...

i'm tired of living a life where i dwell on the past... the only thing i regret i can't take back, and that's not the fact that courtney and i broke up... it was probably necessary that we did... but i can't say what i regret....

i'm done with the past, and looking to the future, i guess starting today... we'll see where tomorrow takes me... hopefully the date goes well, and i have fun.. :D if not, then fuck it, and move on, no?


thank you dad, for punching it into me the easy way....


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