Sunday, September 05, 2004

for just a moment...

for just a moment, i drift into thought, drift into the calm of the storm, if you will... and in that moment i know that i'm okay, that everything is fine. for a little while, i feel like everything is going to work out, and that everything is going to be great in the end.

having this hurricane pass by has left me much time to think, when i'm not being bitched at by my mother. being alone at my room, staring up at my ceiling, i am left to dream about much stuff... as i stare up into nothing, thoughts race through my mind, things that i thought i kept stored away in the boxes of yesterday. as they come out, i think about it... there is not coherency, no set pattern, it's whatever comes up at the time...

if i could be anywhere right now, i'd be in the arms of someone that loved me. i would be in the embrace of someone who cared about me, and someone who would protect me. but i can't be anywhere right now, and i can't be in the arms of that person, because as of right now, that person doesn't exsist..

most people get the chance to experience the stopping of time for a moment.... i get that chance almost every day. it's the time, where for just a moment, time stops, as you gaze into the eyes of someone else, you can sense nothing but their presence. when you odn't care what happens to you, you could die right then, as long as that person's face was the last thing you saw....

time stops for a moment, and that moment's gone...

for just a moment, my mind drifts to that feeling, and for just a moment i long for that feeling again...

for just a moment, i long for you....

"once you leave neverland, you forget how to fly..."


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